Saturday, January 4, 2014

Forty-Niners Head into Green Bay with Confidence

Another Post-Season question Forty Niner Fans don't stumble upon asking themselves, "Do We Belong?" To some this state of wonderment leaves them in a near mental coma until the Play-Offs are over, and with the Heritage in California aka Gold Country, whose wind still carries on legends of our team. The Greats That Have played before you deserve the respect that you demand Tomorrow.

Yo Kaep, This is your Prime, this is your Stage, So Dance. This will be the Game that Defines YOUR Career. So just Do you Kaep, and shine! Try not to look to long at your first read, Keep your feet moving, and once you've dropped back , if 1 + 2 WR aren't open, RUN! Especially in the Snow, Where you will have more agility based on the fact that traction becomes limited. You're already faster than half their defense!

This could be where He becomes a Kaep7n

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